The world is looking for new ways to celebrate while being safe. As a designer in the event industry, we are challenged now more than ever. How will event settings eventually look in the future? How can we make guests feel safe? How can we help our clients consider hosting an event at this time? These are all questions that event professionals find themselves trying to answer during this unprecedented time.
About a month ago, I received a call from one of our favorite clients, to discuss the possibility of hosting her husband's 60th birthday party in just 30 days. The original event date was previously scheduled for May 9th. In March, like the rest of the world, our client had to make the decision to cancel the event, and at that time with no real plans to postpone it for another date.
I was pleasantly surprised to answer her call asking if we thought we could create and execute this celebration in just 30 days. Yes, of course! Together with my team, we ignited our creativity and went into design mode!
The theme of the event was “Joe’s favorite things” after the guest of honor. We also themed the party as ”Age Is Just A Number,” taking inspiration from family and friends about memories and fun facts. These fun elements allowed us to set the stage to create a lifetime memory of this celebration for Joe and his family and friends.
It was important to the client to have various stations showcasing Joe’s favorite foods. To comply with safety concerns, we created lucite panels that hung from our custom arbor tables. Guests were able to easily choose from the different selections, while adhering to COVID safety guidelines.
Stay tuned for next week’s newsletter sharing more of the the cool design concepts we developed for this milestone celebration!
